Community helping an individual in need.
I know, it doesn't counteract wars or abuse, but it shows people are basically good and want to help.
since the spin we get from the wt and from the platform is very one sided, always banging on about how terrible the world is and how it's never been worse and mankind is going to hades in a handcart, how's about a good news thread?
i don't know about you guys but i try to share the good stuff as much as possible, because i feel it un-demonises 'worldly' people, helps witnesses see its not cut and dry, black and white, us and them.
there are millions of decent hardworking charitable people out there trying to make a difference for the community at large.
Community helping an individual in need.
I know, it doesn't counteract wars or abuse, but it shows people are basically good and want to help.
this is what wt has been producing, this had my bottom jaw on the carpet while i was watching (like the footloose one).
and they say there different from other religions yeah right!!.
i hope this link works
Why's that guy at the front doing the robot?
I'm not sure I agree.
it will obviously make a difference to how jw's obtain their literatrash, they will have to download and print it all themselves before long.. it will make a small difference to the dtod work, they will now refer even genuine questions and interest etc to the site, not taking the opportunity to "witness" on the initial call at all.
this has been happening already to a degree.. the difference i am mainly interested in is the capture of new suckers in to the borg.. we will be able to see when we get 2014's figures, sometime next year, what the rate of increase was over the last ten years.. phizzy the prophet predicts that the rate of increase over the next ten years will not be significantly up.
probably down, but certainly, i feel, not so different from the last ten.. should i be around in ten years to do so, i will wish to ask jw's:.
Dismember - our resident interweb techy guru!
Thanks for explaining all that about the hits/visitors. It's dead handy having someone know what they're talking about!
the database still needs updating but that can bedone later.
if there are any important earlier quotesi have missed, please let me know. lee
What a resource!
So the Dutch version of 'consolation' differed from the English version? I'd be interested in seeing scans of these.. I wonder if my mom has that book.....
in the past few weeks, my wife has been seeing more and more the lack of love and caring from jws.
for example, she is organizing a "princess party" for our 4 year old daughter.
a couple of the parents have expressed reservations about this since they think princesses may be "too magical" even though we know they have been to disneyworld, and watch the disney channel.
This has been a great thread, and very pertinent to my own situation.
Much of it is the same, but in our situation my wife DOES have a small group of genuinely nice friends, which seems to balance out the non loving judgementaltards.
Still, a lot of the advice here applies, best of luck bu2b, to both of us...
oops, we're not supposed to say 'luck' are we!? F#@&.
It WAS the seventies! Wasn't that attitude obligatory if you had meat & 2 veg?
hi everyone, this has been what i have waited for, fredrick mclean is up next on cnn's "most wanted" and "hunted show", so far two of their topics are dead!.
last sunday's "the hunt" blew his head off monday morning!
let's hope cnn get's jehovah witness fredrick mclean!
Dang. How do we get this in the UK?
even though watchtower's application has been rejected, they will be allowed to use the logo because it is for religious usage and will not be confused with commercial products.. the trademark office did note this:.
indeed, numerous other marks are registered reflecting the letters j and w:.
HahaHa absolutely!
i've been browsing the site for some time as things that the society teach just are not adding up much these days.
by exploring some of the threads on here i'm starting to see why.
a brief bio.
You're not alone matey. I've had lots of tiny doubts for decades ( trumpet blasts = ohio convention, flip floppery about sodom and gomorrah, dodgy explanations of 'generations, really? ) but I've come to the point of not believing any of it now. But I'm still in. Got good friends and family, at the moment the cost of keeping them is keeping my mouth shut and attending some meetings, while doing a very token ministry. Fair price at the moment for me(other reasons apply too).
Idon't know if I'll ever leave either, but I'm working on it while trying to help my wife think more about what we're told to believe... Takes time....